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Terms and Conditions

一. 客戶或廣告代理均須遵照香港文匯報有限公司(以下簡稱本報)所訂下列之刊登廣告條件及規例,並受其約束。本報有權更改、修正、附加或取締任何條件及規例而毋須向客戶預先通知。本報絕不接受客戶之訂位通知單上任何規條所限制。
1. Advertiser / Advertising agency shall abide by the terms and conditions of advertisement posting issued hereunder by Wen Wei Po Limited (hereinafter called “the Newspaper”) and shall be subject to them. The Newspaper has the right to change, amend, add or replace any terms and conditions without prior notice to the Advertiser. The Newspaper will accept no stipulations stated on the booking notice by the Advertiser.

二. 客戶或廣告代理訂刊廣告,必須填妥由香港文匯報有限公司訂立之合同,並需由公司蓋章及授權人簽署確認。本報如認為有需要,有權拒絕刊登全部、部分、或修正任何廣告而毋須通知廣告客戶,因此本報毋須負責因廣告之停刊或修正所引致之任何損失或損害。
2. All advertising bookings must be accompanied by a space order, which must be signed by an authorized person of the Advertiser / Advertising Agency and chopped with the company’s stamp. Due to necessity, the Newspaper has the right to refuse to post wholly or partially, or revise any advertisement without prior notice to the Advertiser. The Newspaper will accept no liability for any loss or damage caused by posting stoppage or revision of the advertisement.

三. 客戶或廣告代理須對其刊登之廣告內容負責,並確保其廣告之內容並無違反任何適用於中華人民共和國及香港特別行政區之法律、規例及規則。
3. Advertiser / Advertising agency shall be responsible for the content of the advertisement, and at the same time must ensure that the content of the advertisement is in accordance with the laws, provisions and rules applicable in The People's Republic of China and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

四. 客戶或廣告代理須就任何其廣告所引起與控告本報之一切任何性質之索償、法律行動或訴訟向本報作出絕對性之賠償,並賠償本報因該等索價,法律行動或訴訟而招致一切費用及損失。
4. Advertiser / Advertising agency shall fully indemnify the Newspaper in case the Newspaper suffers from any kinds of claims, legal actions or lawsuits arising out of the advertisements against the Newspaper. The Advertiser shall also indemnify the Newspaper for all the fees or losses incurred as a result of such claims, legal actions and lawsuits.

五. 客戶或廣告代理在廣告合同簽訂後,不得擅自取消或停刊,否則客戶或廣告代理要賠償不少於50%的廣告費用。
5. It will not be allowed to any posting stoppage or changes of posting date after signing the advertisement contract , otherwise at least a 50﹪of the advertisement all-in cost as the compensation expense should be paid from the advertiser/ advertising agency.

六. 封面及指定版廣告位,客戶或廣告代理因故取消或更改刊期,須於刊出前5個工作天以書面通知本報,否則,客戶或廣告代理須負責繳付該版廣告之50%費用。
6. With regard to front page advertisements and advertisements on a designated page, a notification in writing must reach the Newspaper at least 5 working days prior to any posting stoppage or changes of posting date, otherwise a 50% of the rates will be charged to the Advertiser / Advertising agency.

七. 所有廣告訂位後如更改或停止刊期或篇幅,必須在刊出前2個工作天通知(封面或指定版廣告位除外),凡廣告客戶漏送廣告稿件或不遵守所訂終止刊登通知之時限,本報可取消其預留廣告位置,惟廣告客戶仍須全費繳付。
7. With regard to advertisements that have been ordered to place (excluding front page advertisements and those on a designated page) a notification must be made at least 2 working days prior to any changes of posting date and space and prior to any posting stoppage. If the Advertiser / Advertising agency fails to deliver the poster manuscript or fails to comply with the notification deadline, the Newspaper may cancel the advertising position that has been reserved and at the same time the Newspaper will charge full payments to the Advertiser / Advertising agency.

八. 所有廣告來稿製作或客戶直接交來的檔案,如排印錯誤、損毀、遺失或印色問題,本報概不負責。廣告客戶不可要求將廣告費減扣。
8. In respect of all advertisements of which file are prepared and submitted directly by the Advertiser or produced according to the Advertiser’s poster manuscripts, the Newspaper holds no liability for any wrong typesetting and printing, damage, loss or color-printing problems. The Advertiser may not demand the Newspaper to reduce the rates.

九. 封面全版廣告如遇重要新聞,本報有權於報名旁上加上標題簡要而毋須先行通知廣告客戶。
9. In case there is front-page news on the day a full front-cover advertisement is to be posted, the Newspaper has the right to add a brief headline beside the masthead without prior notice.

十. 封面、封底或其他指定版位之廣告,如遇當日新聞需要,本報有權調至其他版面刊登,廣告費則按所刊之版位訂價收費。所有廣告版面的安排或調動,本報保留最終之決定權利而毋須事先通知。
10. The Newspaper has the right to shift all advertisements on the front page, back page or in any other specified positions to any other pages in case there is a need arising from the news. The rates shall be readjusted accordingly. The Newspaper has the sole right to plan or shift all advertising positions without prior notice.

十一. 為免廣告內容與本報撰寫的新聞版面造成混淆,客戶或廣告代理必須按照本報要求,在廣告上加上“廣告”字眼。
11. In order not to confuse advertisements with editorial contents, the Advertiser / Advertising agency shall insert the wordings “廣告”when required by The Newspaper.

十二. 廣告費用須以港幣繳付,如支票或本票等應劃線支付「香港文匯報有限公司」。本報亦接受其他外幣付款,以本報訂定之兌換率為準,另加收8%手續費。
12. Advertising charges shall be paid in Hong Kong Dollar. If the Payment is made by cheque or cashier’s cheque, the cheque should be crossed and payable only to “Wen Wei Po Limited”. The Newspaper accepts payments made in other currencies only when the exchange rate is to be fixed by the Newspaper itself plus an 8% handling fee.

十三. 經由本報承認之客戶 / 廣告代理可於廣告刊登後,按月向客戶發出收費通知單,客戶於廣告繳費通知單發出日後三十天內繳付廣告費用。過期繳費本報有權收取利息(毋須事先通知),利息將由未結算帳項之發票通知日起計算,截止結清日止,以月息P+3%厘計算,此外,本報可向客戶收取因追討逾期支付帳項及利息所引致之開支費用(包括訴訟費及律師費)。
13. The Newspaper shall send the Advertiser or the Advertiser’s advertising agency which are recognized by the Newspaper, a debit note either after publication of the advertisement or by month. The Advertiser shall pay the full amount within 30 days from the issuance date of the debit note. The Newspaper has the right to charge the Advertiser an interest (without prior notice) for payments in arrears. The interest shall be calculated on the basis of P+3% permensem starting from the notice date of the bill of the unpaid balance until the day the payment is settled completely. The Newspaper shall require the Advertiser to pay all the expenses and fees (including fees for litigation and a solicitor) for the purpose of collecting payments in arrears and interest.

十四. 刊登廣告條件及規例之英文譯本僅供參考,如英文譯本文義與中文原本有異時,應以中文原本為準。
14. These terms and conditions of advertisement posting are translated from Chinese into English for guidance only. In case of discrepancy between the Chinese and the English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.